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Digging In The Dirt With Your Bling

Updated: Nov 23, 2023

Spring is here! After three months of COVID-19 lockdown, we're all itching to get out. I've chosen to get down and dirty in my yard to be more sustainable and to make it my oasis.

A few weeks ago, I was digging in the dirt with my Victorian padlock charm bracelet on, only to discover that the padlock had come off when the bracelet fell to my feet. I have always been one to reprimand my customers for wearing their jewelry in inappropriate situations, and here I was, doing just that.

The Most Destructive Activities for Jewelry

Through my three decades in the jewelry industry, the most common stories I’ve heard are about jewelry that has been lost or damaged while the owner was involved in an activity where they should have removed their bling. You have no idea how many times I’ve heard variations of the following:

· I left my rings on the sink when I took them off to wash my hands.

· I didn't think yoga would damage my rings.

· My stone fell out while I was jogging.

Even if your jewelry isn’t worth much, it may have sentimental value. You don’t want to lose great-grandma's antique earrings because you forgot to take them off while hiking.

These are some of the most common activities I’ve heard clients mention causing damage or loss. Before you begin one of these, make sure to secure your beloved bling!

· Swimming/scuba diving/water sports - It’s almost impossible to recover jewelry lost in large bodies of water. If you do these activities often, it’s worth investing in a waterproof bag that you can attach to your purse or backpack for safekeeping.

. Working out at the gym - Wear gloves to prevent calluses forming on your hands while taking a tight grip on the handlebars of the stationary bike but it is always better to leave your jewelry at home.

. Gardening - Wearing gloves can help protect your rings, but it’s better just to remove them altogether.

. Sports - Not only do you stand the risk of losing or breaking your jewelry while playing basketball, soccer, or other popular team sports, but you also risk harming yourself. While playing softball years ago, a friend broke her finger, which swelled around her ring. Not only did the ring have to be cut off, but she almost lost her finger as well!

Protecting Your Jewelry During Activities

The moral of the story is that if you decide to leave your jewelry on during certain activities, please wear protective gear, like gloves. If you are traveling, wear a chain that converts your rings to pendants if you need to be hard on your hands.

If the option is to take the chance of losing your jewelry or damaging it, it definitely isn't worth losing your jewelry, so be sensible and smart.

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